Fare Estimate

FareEstimate.com helps you choose the right ride-sharing service for your trip. Add your starting point and destination, and we will do the rest, giving you an estimate of the cost for each provider, including Uber, Lyft, and Waymo.

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    Learn More About Fare Estimate

    What we do and how we do it

    Our goal is to be the best place to compare prices on how to get from Point A to Point B.

    We do our best to use APIs whenever possible for all ride share services that allow. If we don’t have an API, we do our best to calculate prices based on receipts and develop our own formulas to give you our best estimate for a fare.

    Yes! We are currently displaying Waymo prices, although they are not API driven, but we have come up with a formula from hundreds of ride receipts.


    Ride Share services tracked (Uber, Lyft, Waymo)


    Requests for Fare Estimates


    We have used receipts from thousands of rides.


    One of the oldest Fare Comparison Sites.